
Rose Gailey is a partner in Heidrick & Struggles’ Los Angeles office and the global lead of the Organization Acceleration and Culture Shaping Center of Excellence. She brings expertise in organizational culture and transformation to Heidrick Consulting’s value proposition to accelerate performance through future-ready leadership and thriving cultures.


Rose’s experience in culture and organizational transformation spans more than 25 years. Drawing on her expertise in future-ready organizations and cultures, Rose has worked with leaders from the boardroom to the front lines to further their development, strengthen alignment, and accelerate strategy execution. Given the importance of the shadow of the leader in shaping cultures, her background in counseling and organizational psychology is foundational to developing strong leadership shadows. Her work with organizations centers around aligning strategy, structure, and culture to accelerate high performance.

Rose is fluent in Spanish and brings the rich diversity of her Hispanic roots to her work.


New Mexico State University, Doctoral Studies in Counseling and Organizational Psychology

New Mexico State University, Master’s of Education Degree

University of Texas, El Paso, Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology

Philanthropy and Service

Rose remains active in several non-profit boards and volunteer work in her community and professional life. Passionate about the empowerment of women and promoting social justice and equality, Rose is active most recently with the YWCA of the El  Paso del Norte Region, La Semilla, Annunciation House, and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation.