Leadership for renewable energy companies: An interview with Jim Hughes, EnCap Investments

Leadership for renewable energy companies: An interview with Jim Hughes, EnCap Investments

Jim Hughes, the managing partner for energy transition at EnCap Investments, discusses the challenges and dynamics of the transition to clean energy.

In this interview, Heidrick & Struggles’ Clayton Sears speaks to Jim Hughes, managing partner, energy transition, for EnCap Investments. Hughes and Sears discuss the challenges and dynamics of the transition to clean energy. Hughes also talks about his approach to leadership during such a volatile time for the industry, as well as how to stay abreast of the talent market—developing talent, seeking new leaders, and employee retention.

About the interviewer

Clayton Sears (csears@heidrick.com) is a principal in Heidrick & Struggles’ Houston office and leads the Alternative & Renewable Energy sector in the Americas. He is also a member of the Energy, CEO & Board of Directors, Financial Officers, and Financial Services practices.

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