Talento a medida
Cubra las carencias de competencias, experiencia y liderazgo con talento a la carta

En el siempre cambiante panorama empresarial, geopolítico y económico actual, los líderes se enfrentan constantemente a preguntas como: ¿Podemos seguir el ritmo del cambio? ¿Cómo navego por la incertidumbre y los momentos atípicos del ciclo empresarial? ¿Cómo impulso el crecimiento al tiempo que mitigo el riesgo? ¿Puedo encontrar las habilidades y capacidades de liderazgo adecuadas que se necesitan hoy en día?

En Heidrick & Struggles, nuestra oferta de talento bajo demanda proporciona acceso al talento de nivel de liderazgo bajo demanda que usted necesita para abordar grandes programas de transformación, cubrir puestos interinos y supervisar transiciones críticas. Reaccione ágilmente a los entornos empresariales en evolución con un acceso rápido a los mejores talentos independientes: ejecutivos interinos, consultores, expertos y gestores de proyectos.

In North America and the United Kingdom

Business Talent Group A Heidrick & Struggles Company logo
In-demand talent, on demand
Heidrick & Struggles provides clients with seamless access to an on-demand marketplace of top independent talent and interim leaders with deep industry and functional expertise.
Interim Executives

With strategic expertise and operating experience at industry-leading organizations, our on-demand interim executives have the skills you need to maintain business momentum. Even temporary solutions can be transformative.

Special Projects Leads

These on-demand, hands-on professionals specialize in moments of innovation, implementation, transformation, expansion, and change.

Consultants and Experts

Get the agile workforce you need—top management consultants, subject matter experts, and program and project managers—to add skills and expertise, experience, and innovative thinking to your organization.

The Energy Revolution

Successfully implementing important transformations

Read the latest Atreus study "Energy transition and its consequences" to see the far-reaching impact of the energy transition on companies and organisations. Atreus Practice Groups "Energy and Environment" and "Major Infrastructure Projects" support large energy companies and nationwide infrastructure projects in successfully implementing major transformation programmes and projects.

On-Demand Talent

Optimizing Skills, Capacity, and Expertise

See how leading organizations are leveraging on-demand talent not to simply fill gaps, but to infuse the business with flexibility, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Guide to Working with
On-Demand Talent

Learn how to attract, onboard, and manage the best independent consultants and interim leaders—in a systematic, effective way for your company.