
当社の存在意義は人材、独自の視点と経験が世界にもたらす価値にあります。DE&I を取り入れることにより、クライアント企業にとってより優れたアドバイザーとなることを目指します。私たちは、多様性によって創造性を育み、公平性によって多様な才能と思考に力を与え、インクルージョンによって違いを受け入れる企業文化を確立します。その経験を基に、クライアント企業が直面する人材についての課題に独自のソリューションを提供します。

DE&I への取り組みは、取締役会から最高経営責任者(CEO)およびリーダーシップチームに至るまで、経営トップから始まらなくてはなりません。当社の企業文化は、取締役会とシニアリーダーによって育まれ、共通の価値観のもと全ての社員の中で培われます。社員は仕事を楽しみ、同僚やパートナーを信頼しあえるオープンで包括的、かつ献身的な企業文化づくりに努めています。このような企業文化が生産的で充足感に満ちたチームに最も適した環境を生み出すと信じているからです。
employee resource groups

Explore our Employee Resource Groups

Heidrick & Struggles' affinity groups for women, professionals of color, and the LGBTQ community offer places for people to share experiences, mentor, advocate, and network.


Our Commitments to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Heidrick & Struggles is dedicated to building diverse leadership teams and organizations and to creating inclusive cultures and workplaces—where all voices are heard, where all individuals feel safe, valued, and accepted, and where everyone is able to thrive and achieve equitable success. While we can all be proud of the progress made, we also understand that there is more work to do. We’re pleased to partner with organizations that align with our values around DE&I to help move our commitments forward.

Environmental, Social, and Governance

Heidrick & Struggles' ESG Report

This is Heidrick & Struggles’ third ESG report, covering environmental, social, and governance activities that took place during the fiscal year 2022, beginning January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, except where otherwise noted. This report was produced in line with globally recognized frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standard for Professional & Commercial Services, and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This report covers impacts within our corporate boundary—through our network of 55 offices in 31 countries around the world.




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