2014 Private Equity EMEA Compensation Survey
We received 574 useable responses (a slight increase on 2013) from professionals working across the PE value chain: executives who raise and retain capital, executives who invest this capital and those who work to improve returns, as well as the CFOs, General Counsels, and CHROs of their funds. This represented a response rate of 8% and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who completed the survey.
The largest respondent group was Investment Professionals (77% of total participants) and this report focuses primarily on their compensation levels and trends. As well as analysing investment professionals as a group we have differentiated between strategies; Buyout, Secondaries, Fund of Fund, Co-investment, VC and Credit (with an emphasis on illiquid and distressed).
We gathered further data on fundraising professional and operating professional compensation and have reported on it where we had achieved significant response rates. For other functional specialisations we did not gather sufficient information.
Should you wish to discuss the survey in greater detail please do not hesitate to contact us.