Financial services focus: Why culture matters in a time of M&A
Organizational Culture

Financial services focus: Why culture matters in a time of M&A

Webster Bank CEO and president John Ciulla and Old National Bank CEO Jim Ryan discuss organizational culture during mergers and offer advice to other CEOs entering into a merger.

In this next installment in our Leadership Perspectives video series, Heidrick & Struggles’ Holly McLeod speaks to John Ciulla, president and CEO of Webster Bank, and Jim Ryan, the CEO of Old National Bank, about why culture is an important consideration for financial services, particularly in a time of M&A. They also discuss what leadership skills are most important for their companies to meet their goals and share their experiences blending multiple cultures, as well as offer advice to other CEOs and C-suite members entering into a merger.

About the interviewer

Holly McLeod ( is a partner in Heidrick & Struggle’s New York office and a member of Heidrick Consulting.

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