Thomas Glaeßer


Thomas Glaeßer is a director and head of the infrastructure major projects solution group with Atreus, a Heidrick & Struggles executive interim management company.  


Thomas focuses on programs and projects in transformation and change processes and organizational development of multi-stakeholder organizations, including their realignment, digitalization, restructuring, and filling interim and permanent top management positions.

He is primarily involved in the energy (distribution and transmission system operators, local, regional, and national energy suppliers), telecommunications, e-commerce, IT, and finance sectors.

Thomas has more than 25 years of experience in general management, sales, consulting, and strategy development. 

Prior to joining Atreus, he held management positions both in the corporate environment and at medium-sized and municipal companies. Thomas is a member of various advisory and supervisory boards.


Westphalia Academy of Administration and Economics, Business Economist (VWA)