Private equity compensation trends in North America: 2016
Compensation Trends

Private equity compensation trends in North America: 2016

Heidrick & Struggles’ annual survey of investment professionals in North America highlights the most recent compensation data and trends across the region.
Private equity compensation trends in North America: 2016

Heidrick & Struggles invited investment professionals working at private equity firms making direct investments in North America to participate in an online compensation survey.

We received responses about base salaries, bonuses, and carried interest plans from professionals in 380 firms. These respondents held positions across the value chain, including associates/senior associates, vice presidents, principals, partners/managing directors, and managing partners.

About half of these respondents (52%) reported an increase in base salary between 2015 and 2016, compared with 58% of respondents between 2014 and 2015. Despite the recent slowdown in private equity activity, overall compensation for private equity investment professionals at all levels increased, likely due to higher levels of fund-raising, deal making, and exit activity

About the authors

Mohd Arsalan ( leads the research team for Heidrick & Struggles’ Private Equity Practice; he is based in the Gurgaon office.

Jonathan Goldstein ( is a partner in the New York office; he leads the Private Equity Sector in the Americas.

Samantha Lassoff ( is the practice director of the Private Equity Practice; she is based in the New York office.

Larry Oberfeld ( is an associate in the New York office; he is the thought leadership specialist for the Private Equity Practice.

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