Leading with agility in a crisis
COVID-19 Rebuilding

Leading with agility in a crisis

Companies that are agile have a better chance of not just surviving but thriving during the COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 crisis has upended companies across the world, yet some organizations have been able to outperform during these challenging times because they have been able to pivot quickly to the changing circumstances—in other words, they have acted with agility. These organizations embody the four aspects of agility: adaptability, resilience, learning, and foresight. They have been able to effectively navigate the crisis by leading with purpose, quickly shifting priorities and employing new ways of working, testing and iterating new ideas in real time, and anticipating and preparing for what’s coming next.

For further reading, see “From blame to gain: Leading with agility in a crisis.”

About the speaker

Steven Krupp (skrupp@heidrick.com) is a senior partner in Heidrick & Struggles’ Philadelphia office and a member of Heidrick Consulting and the CEO & Board Practice.

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