Leading from the chair: Marge Magner on driving change (video)
Board Effectiveness

Leading from the chair: Marge Magner on driving change (video)

Marge Magner, former chair of TEGNA and Accenture, and Bonnie Gwin, partner at Heidrick & Struggles, discuss the benefits women can bring to their organizations as board chairs.

In these excerpts from our discussions centered around leadership and being an effective board chair, Marge Magner, former chair of TEGNA and Accenture, and Bonnie Gwin, managing partner at Heidrick & Struggles, discuss why there are not more women in board chair positions and the benefits women can bring to their organizations in this role.

The Benefits Women Can Bring to Organizations as Board Chairs

Why Are There Not More Women in Board Rooms and C-Suites?

About the interviewer

Bonnie Gwin (bgwin@heidrick.com) is a vice chairman in Heidrick & Struggles’ New York office and a co-managing partner of the CEO & Board Practice.

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