Organizational resilience in the insurance industry: An interview with Tom Swank, president & CEO at American Enterprise Group

Organizational resilience in the insurance industry: An interview with Tom Swank, president & CEO at American Enterprise Group

Tom Swank shares why he believes his organization is more resilient than ever and how he continues to foster the organization’s culture to maintain that resilience.

In this next installment of our Leadership Perspectives video series, Heidrick & Struggles’ Tom Moran speaks to Tom Swank, president and CEO of American Enterprise Group, a mutual insurance holding company, about organizational resilience in the insurance industry. Swank discusses how American Enterprise Group’s company culture helped them cope with COVID-19 and in turn how the pandemic caused the culture to evolve. He also discusses the company’s journey throughout the pandemic as they launched new tools and continued setting up a customer-centric organization all while remaining purpose-driven with a strong focus on innovation. Finally, he discusses why he believes his organization is more resilient than ever and shares how he continues to foster the organization’s culture to maintain that resilience.

About the Interviewer

Tom Moran ( is a partner in Heidrick & Struggles’ Chicago office and a member of Heidrick Consulting. 

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